10 August, 2012

The games we play...

This is a really neat list I found eHere that explains what is happening in the ut day by day after a 3 day transfer.  (for a 5day transfer start at day 2 where the embryo is now a blastocyst).

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing 
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst 
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day 
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining 
5dpt.. Implantation begins as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining 
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining 
7dpt.. Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal 

8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood 
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops 
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops 
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

Of course the process can vary and be faster or slower. This is a good general timeline.  

Accordingly, I shouldn't get a positive test until at least Wednesday, 7dp3dt (translation: 7 days past 3 day transfer) also the equivalent of 10 DPO (days past ovulation).  This is the widely accepted norm as the earliest a BFP would or could appear.  However, the dreaded 2WW and symptom-meter is at an all time high and I can't help but log every single weird thing my body is doing.  I've taken 3 hpt's since Wednesday morning.  I could SWEAR today's was darker than the rest... Today i am 2dp3dt and I've just shown you this would be all but impossible.  Yet I keep having to go back and look to compare to be sure.  I haven't asked J to take a look.... I asked him to compare Wednesday to Thursday and he said " oh def, Thursday's line is much lighter!". I had to point out to him I meant the test line, not the control line ;). Ya know, the line that's barely there and you have to squint to see?  Yeah, that line.  He would definitely tell me to lay off the crazy pills if I asked him to squint and compare the three.  

If you aren't yet TTC and haven't experienced a 2 week wait, girl, you are in for a treat!  If you are or have TTC then you know what I'm talking about when I say it is pure MADNESS!!  I'd like to think I know my body pretty well.  I know when I'm getting a migraine the second it starts, I can tell the difference between AF cramps and ovulation cramps.  Then comes along the "two week wait" and suddenly I start to second guess my 27 years of body-education and every twinge  becomes a pregnancy symptom.  It's so annoying!  My boobies are more sore than usual... Is it the progesterone or am I pregnant?  I think I felt a little twinge!  Implantation?  I'm feeling excessively bloated; was it the beans I ate yesterday or could it be...?  I feel a bit nauseous this morning, is it the antibiotics or a little embryo?  What about the coffee?  It didn't smell that strongly yesterday!  Maybe my sense of smell is getting more heightened!  

Yesterday was I was so off, I just had to laugh at myself.  I just started reading Game of Thrones (great book, btw, I'm hooked!) and had been reading in my lounge chair outside for a few hours.  Out of no where i start getting these intense cramps, the biggest I've had since I started stims.  Not quite AF cramps, different... Like deep in my belly.  Of course you can guess what my first thought was.  I got so excited!  Maybe this was it!  My friends tell me their only "symptom" was mild cramping and this is what I'm experiencing!  10 minutes go by and then I realize uh oh, I need an emergency bathroom pitstop.  Turns out my cramps weren't embryo related at all.  Just revenge of the DragonFire pizza I had the night before complete with spicy sauce, pepperoni and loads of jalapeƱos.  I'm telling you, the 2ww is torture!

Another thing someone pointed out to me is that maybe my twin dream was, in fact, correct and that even though we transferred only one embryo the possibility exists that it will split into two, identical twin fetuses.  Hmmm... I suppose.  I researched that normally identical twins occur at a rate of 0.25%.  The percentage rises to somewhere between 2-9% with IVF.  While still a very rare occurrence, I can't deny the possibility exists.  Cool.  Another thing to obsess and wonder about.  In order to keep myself in check and tone down the obsessing indent thinkmill take another hot until Monday.  I'm hoping the trigger will be out of my system and I can quit the "omg, is it darker?!" questioning for a few days until a BFP is more realistic.

The thing I do know for certain, fate will be determined in 8 days by my blood HCG draw.  August 19, hurry up!

1 comment:

  1. ugh! the 2ww is the WORST! in this infertility journey, you're always waiting... and waiting... and waiting! such a pain! good luck passing time and hope it goes quickly for you! :-)
