Oh yeah.... NEVER look at it! ugh.
I'm blaming this one all on J. My plan was to wait until tomorrow to test because I obviously am clairvoyant and knew it would be a squinter if anything showed up at all. I am secure in my plan as I wake up this morning. I'm having a great time watching the birds from my pillow when J, on the way to his shower, asks "babe, aren't you going to POAS?? I'm dying to know!" Ohhhhh fine, if you're going to make me. ;)
10 minutes pass and i am in the midst of examining when J arrives all clean. "Is anything there?" I'm at a crossroads... Is there a line? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Is it just a reflection of the light? I don't tell him I think I see something, but he affirms... " I think I see it... Right there..." and points. Right where it is. For a guy who has looked at mayyyybe 2 other tests, I have no choice but believe we BOTH can't be crazy. *gets sort of excited*
Then we went wrong. "is it lighter or darker than yesterday?" he asks. Yesterday's while fresh seemed pretty darn negative. But then I dug it out to compare.... And I'm not sure.... Stupid stupid evap. So now I'm between a rock & a hard place.... Do I go with my gut from yesterday/ today, or do I go with the evap readout? And then... Could it possibly still be trigger??? Gahhhhhhh.
To boot, my guts feel like AF is coming today. Cramping, sore boobies, nausea, and pimples. All of these can also be attributed as side-effects of the progesterone I'm taking twice a day.
I swear to god, I'm not testing again until Thursday.
awe, sweetie pie, we love you. (I think I'm going to have to send you a book on starfish or birds or seals or something).