13 August, 2012


Today's test result: BFN!  Of course.  The good news is this means my trigger is out.  I'm planning on testing again wednesday, 7dp3dt.  Wish me luck!

I'm halfway through Game of Thrones.  This big fat book has been a great distraction.  Now that our cabin is back down to 2 people, I am grateful we had the entertainment of inlaws and teenagers for 3 weeks.  This week has been CRAWLING.


  1. Now that the trigger is out you can fur sure celebrate the positive that will surely (fingers crossed!) be coming Wednesday!
    On a side note, I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. Go check out my post to see what it's all about :)

  2. yay no trigger left!! good luck!! will you keep testing or wait a bit? i'm an addict :-P
