04 May, 2013

FET day 10

I had my day 10 checkup on Tuesday. Lining was at 8.1, which is nice! Dr Rockstar said "it was close" and he wanted to give it another week. I was confused because the nurse said 8 was what they look for, acupuncturist said 10 is better. Oh fine.

Another reason to wait? The bleeding I did during and after the surprise saline sonohistogram. .... Yeahhhhh. I had one 2 months ago prior to cycle start and everything checked out. Apparently Dr R saw some 'shadows' on the ultrasound that were worrisome. The high levels of estrogen I'm taking can make polyps or other scary things grow & pop up. Cue increased heart rate. He did the SHG right then & there. OUCH! I'll say he was more 'thorough' this time which involved curling of my toes and wincing for.... 5 minutes. I imagine this is partially what labor feels like. Holy crap. Everything still looked fine so I guess the shadows were ghosts or gas bubbles or something else weird. At first I thought I should have asked him to do a hysteroscopy to be sure (where they literally stick a camera in to look, but also involves anesthesia and probably a cancelled cycle.) I consulted with my cookies gals who reassured me that Dr R is VERY conservative and thorough and if he thought he needed it, he would have done it. Whatever. I've stopped second guessing.

So another week.... Ugh! J went out to sea Thursday morning. He comes back in exactly 2 weeks. Then goes back out to sea in June for 10 days followed by a week long inspection where he can't leave early followed by a week of turnover with his relief. I was hoping transfer would be this week because he'd be back for beta day and the 6 week ultrasound (if there is one) would be before his next batch of craziness. Since transfer will/should/better be Monday the 13th, he'll be home for beta day but probably not u/s day. WTFFFFFF. Why it's a big deal: we may hear the heartbeat for the first time. We'll find out if its one or two .... or three babies. Hahaha jk. But two, maybe.

Oh yeah, and now I'm up to 5 patches. According to package directions, I have to have a week break between patch location sites. Sorry Vivelle, the area of my tummy under my belly button is only so big! Where the f can I put these things? Im also covered in a nice layer of sticky and fuzz. Injections sucked, but so do these darn patches.

I'm gearing up to do my own PIO in the bum. Ice, lay down, shoot, heat & massage. Am I missing any other good tips? I've been working in my twisting in yoga, but am still trying to figure out how i will get a 1.5" needle straight in...

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