05 June, 2012

I am that I am

When I started this blog, I didn't know what I expected to get out of it. I didn't particularly want to do it. I've never been a writer or one who journals. I wasn't sure I wanted "our business" out there for everyone to see. But somehow, it felt like the right thing to do. Someone told me it would be a nice outlet. A good way to remember everything you're going through.

They are right.

I've been nosing around other writers and came across a page called The Infertility Voice. In one of her posts, she talks about sharing your story, even with just one person, and how it can help. Help you cope, help you heal. Help you with decisions and give the opportunity for others to offer advice, or just listen and be an avenue of release. I think now, I realize that's my goal. To organize and vent my thoughts. To become more familiar with talking about what J and I are going through to help people understand. To be honest and talk about the disease. To bring light to infertility and not be silenced or ashamed by it. It will help me be confident in who I am and where our journey will take us.

"once a person starts talking about their journey, you can see the relief in their eyes with each word uttered, to finally unburden themselves with the stories they’ve carried in silence." Silence... For a long, long, time.

I've been doing yoga a lot since moving to Washington and have been looking for a mantra or vision to use. I found one, and today will be my first day using it. Mom, don't get mad at me, but I wrote it in pen on my hand. ;). I didn't want to be downward dogging and forget it!

I am whole
I am perfect
I am strong

I am happy
I am healthy & harmonious

I am beautiful

I am that I am that I am

1 comment:

  1. To my mantra, I have added: I am loving, I am mothering, I am fertile.

    Take That, silly ovary!
