14 June, 2012

A few more tricks

I have never been so nervous for a doctor appointment as I was on Monday! I was really afraid of what the verdict would be and whether they had stronger drug protocols I could use since I had done one of the strongest. Of course, Drs first suggestion was donor egg and I said no. Maybe later, but for now I feel like we still have a chance to be successful with my own lil eggs. They can't really pinpoint what went wrong or could have caused the lack of response.... Maybe it was an off month, maybe the drug dose was too high, maybe it was the BCP.... Who knows. The good news is there are two other protocols she thinks will work well. One is a Lupron microflare protocol, which I read about and am glad she mentioned. It works in conjunction with the body's natural hormone levels to recruit follicles for the following cycle. It is one that has the most success for those who are poor responders or have low ovarian reserve, read: me. The other she mentioned is a LEAP protocol. May be similar to estrogen priming?? I'm not sure.... I haven't heard of it, google can't find me much so I don't know a whole lot. My understanding is that they make it easier to "wake up" the follicles, so during my next cycle, I'll monitor for ovulation, then start Estrace and an injection to sync the follicles (instead of suppressing with BCP) so they all start growing at the same time.

The summary of my 30 minutes in the docs office: she has tricks up her sleeve! We just need to wait for Uterine Exodus before we can proceed. I'm on CD 19, so this could be next week (if I ovulate, which I haven't yet, but hopefully will by CD22), or indefinitely if I'm too screwed up by BCP then injections then nadda. We shall see. Although there is still a minuscule chance for "au natural" this month and hubby is glad to hear this. Best case scenario, we are back to poking and prodding by mid-end July.

I've started yoga for infertility which basically involves massaging your innards through breathing... Yeahhhh..... I've also been doing reflexology, which I've found is super easy and quick. I'm still debating about acupuncture ... everywhere I read says theres no proof, but it can't hurt. It'll hurt my already empty wallet, that's for sure!

In closing, an interesting tidbit I came across: the 2nd chakra, Svadhisthana is the one associated with the reproductive system. Two ways to open up and clear your chakra: imagine a lotus flower opening and closing, or become one with the color orange. Wear it, imagine it, eat and drink it, BE orange. interesting. I swear, I picked out the background for this blog long before I knew orange and Svadhisthana were related.

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha! LEAP: Luteal Estrace/Antagonist Protocol. Basically estrogen priming with antagonist protocol.
