Yesterday's u/s was superb! Lining is at 8.6 and trilaminar, yippee. We wanted to transfer 2 embryos since we have 4 in the freezer & that would leave things nice and even and with another future FET. Dr Rockstar basically said no. We have one blast that is, for all intents & purposes, perfect. Its AA, full blast & already starting to hatch. Even with previous failed ivf, he feels confident that this lil embisicle will be IT.
The soonest transfer day could be Monday. They are booked so I was scheduled on Tuesday. Monday would have been perfect work wise. I've been tore up about the fact that J will be gone for transfer but awesome friends have volunteered to come with me and my acupuncturist offered to give me a ride. So nice! :). The shitty part is said friends work Tuesday. Acupuncture lady is booked Tuesday. I would have to have a stranger poke me with needles in weird places with my pants off. I would be at this all important transfer all by myself. Alone. Abandoned by everyone who has guided & comforted me through this process.
So today, I had a giant pity party.
I spent the morning stifling back tears and finally got out of bed in time for acupuncture at 11. Then I cried on the table explaining about my crappy morning and the realization that no one would be there with me. Lori helped reassure me that I am not just high on estrogen and am legitimately freaking out about being alone. Being comfortable & stress free is a big part of transfer success. I decided it would be a brilliant idea to push transfer back by 2 days when both her and J can be there. The perfect transfer situation for the 'perfect' embryo. [And then the angels sang.]
Not 2 minutes after I leave, I get an email... "I might be home Friday or Monday says the captain!". What the. Halkelujah! Awesome, let me change transfer to Monday! No cancellations, office still booked Monday. Then 3 hours later, "just kidding, the admiral said no way Jose", keep your happy asses floating. Ugh! Drama drama drama. At this point, Dr Rockstars office is closed for the day. I'm hoping with all my might they have Thursday open and it won't be a big deal to change transfer date again and wait 2 more days. Please, please, please! The nurses are so gonna hate me.... I think I've called every day this week bugging them about something or other.
So anyways. Pity party is over. On one hand I feel like I should quit being a whiny toddler and not mess with the process. On the other, I dont think my experience will be near the same (and dare I say enjoyable?) without my support system. Uuuuggghhhhh!
Here's hoping to Thursday!!