24 February, 2013

Holy protocol, Batman!

I'm not even sure this protocol has an official title because its a bunch of protocols mashed into one. On my paperwork it says "low stim cycle using midluteal Estrace, ganirelix, with saizen and androderm patches and gel" Talk about a mouthful. Dr Rockstar also referred to it as MLEA which is 'mid lutral estrace antagonist.'. Which, to me, sounds the same as LEAP or 'luteal Estrace antagonist priming'... Anyways. From what I understand it'll go a little like this: estrogen & testosterone priming for 10-21 days followed by testosterone patches. Then I'll start stims, which for this low stim protocol will be menopur and clomid. I know, you're thinking "clomid? Really!?" Cuz I did, too. This is partially why it's a 2phase freeze-all cycle. Here's where it gets complicated... So clomid &menopur. Then add a steroid (to help the bod be more susceptible to stims). Then comes ganirelix to prevent premature ovulation of all those big fat follies. THEN comes human growth hormone. Then finally, egg retrieval. Phrew! Hopefully they get a bunch of eggs and all those eggs fertilize into beautiful blastocysts that then go into the deep freeze! Yes, our baby/ies will have been popsicles.

I'll heal, get my $15,000 period and then we gear up for a fancy frozen embryo transfer (FET). I have no idea what the FET will entail but I'm sure it's not going to be your typical, run of the mill transfer.

I've never heard of using HGH until now and apparently it's still very new. Using it for IVF is an off-label use.... BUT it's been shown to improve ovarian stimulation especially in poor responders and increase both embryo quality and therefore pregnancy rate. Something to do with granulosa cells .... I fell asleep during this chapter in micro .... but I digress. We had to sign special consent forms to use the HGH and the testosterone. Hopefully I won't grow a 3rd tit or a mustache. We'll see. Keep your fingers crossed.

I don't have an official IVF calendar yet and won't until I start the topicals in about 2 weeks. I attempted to make a rough calendar based off of the days of priming meds and stims and cycles, etc. If retrieval is in early April, I don't think transfer / BFP will be until May or June. !!!!
I'm glad we are pushing it to get started now because June seems sooooo long away. :/

I had my day 3labs & ultrasound last week and everything looked superb. FSH is still at a lovely 4.7 woot! Next step: I go in for a sonohistogram and trial transfer on Thursday morning.

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