16 February, 2013

Work Woes

I had a last minute consult with another RE on Monday.  I wasn't supposed to meet him for another 3 weeks and he's such a rockstar his wait list is 3 months long.  I jumped at the opportunity.  Then i got a reaming at work for needing to leave early.  NEEDING to leave early, not wanting to.  Here's the deal with work: I work at a hospital near downtown San Diego that used to be a county hospital.  We get all the homeless and traumas and really sick patients.  There is another hospital in the same system in La Jolla that has all the spoiled doctors and makes all the money with their fancy surgery & technology.  HC hospital (the old county hospital where I was *hired* for) has plenty of staff and everyone loves it.  TH hospital (the prison, as I like to call it) is short staffed and has a bunch if travelers for numerous reasons.

  As part of the budget crisis, instead of making people go home when we have a light schedule they've been sending us up to TH to help them staff.  Out of the goodness of my heart, I've been volunteering to go there on my days off.  Monday was one of these days.  A day I could have been at the pool, doing laundry, getting a pedicure... You get the idea.  But no, they needed help and I think hey, extra money would be nice, so I go.  That morning I do the usz "I need to leave at 145" and the charge nurse throws a fit.    2 hours later I get called into the office. 

Now, at HC they have a nice little system where you write your appointments for the week on a calendar and the interim/afternoon staff usually has no problem letting people leave early.  My charge nurse is a superstar at making her staff happy.  Not in prison.  I was told that I'd have to make my appointments for later in the day because they can not plan on letting people leave early, this is their policy.  Sentara all over again...  (My old job I LOOOOAAAATHED(picture the grinch saying it)). I played the 'I'm doing fertility treatments and can't help it' card to which her response was basically: too bad so sad.  Then, to try and relate, i heard her story about I-thought-i-had problems-too-and-when-i-was-about-to-start- clomid-i-got-sick-during-a-marathon-and-turns-out-i-was-pregnant.  Crickets.  I was so pissed and sad and frustrated I didn't know what to say.   I'm supposed to be OFF today, you a-hole. 

 Then I get to go back in the OR where Brahms lullaby is playing and try to stifle back the hot tears.  The day goes on and 1:30rolls around.  I start tapping my feet with impatience as I'm really nervous about this consult.   In the OR it's a requirement to have one RN circulator per room so it's not like I can just leave. 1:44.... 1:47..... No one... 1:52.... I finally call out to the desk and can imagine feet stomping temper tantrum as I ask if someone is coming to get me out? 1:56 someone shows up.  I'm in a huge, complicated case but sorry you're stupid, I don't have time to teach you all about a bilateral re-do hip replacement.  Ugh. 

The bummer part is TH hospital is literally across the street from my RE. HC is 20 minutes away traffic dependent.  Te commute & extra cash would've been nice but sooo not worth the headache!

The positive side to this shit pile is TH doesn't own me, HC does.  I think they forgot that.  I don't need them, they need me.  My superstar charge was über pissed at them when i told her what happened.  They've been calling for my march schedule (yes, I actually let them schedule me in February.  nice, huh?) and I get to tell them that since my appointments are such a problem they can plan on not having me at all.  They can be short staffed all friggin day instead of just for 45 minutes.  Suck it, jackasses!

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