31 May, 2012

Stims Day 5 check-up

May 30: I went this morning for my first ultrasound since I've started the stim injections. Once again, the nurse has a hard time finding my ovary and getting an accurate follicle count. She actually didn't even tell me how many follicles she saw, but typed in the computer 5... I was all prepared with pen & paper in hand to write down measurements, but she said they are all still too small to be measured. This makes me a lil nervous since next week is supposed to be retrieval! I'm very scared, but trying to reassure myself that worrying won't do anything but hurt the process.

The nurses at the office called a few hours later to tell me my estradiol is at 45.5 which is low, but since my follicles are so small they wouldn't expect it to be much higher. I am instructed to keep menopur the same but increase my Follistim from 300IU to 375 for the next two days. Also, instead of going Saturday, they want to see me back Friday for more blood and another u/s. This time they are going to have a physician do my scan to make sure it's as accurate as it can be. I take some deep breathes and remind myself there is no problem; this is why they monitor me so closely, to make sure everything looks fabulous. I am very, very happy that they took the initiative to have a doc do my next scan. As a patient, it makes me feel really good that these medical workers are doing the best they can do to help us get a positive outcome. I'm sure they want good results as much as we do! After all, for the $$ we pay, and to keep their success rate high, they should. ;)

This evening I give J the doc report. He can tell I'm stressing, and between that and the hormones I can't help but bawl. I feel crazy, but he says "granny always said you'd feel better if you just let it out." He's such a great man. I am thankful for him & his mom raising him like she did. Since J will be responsible for giving me the HCG trigger shot in the bum, or money shot as I like to call it, I want him to practice. He is deathly afraid of needles and can barely watch me inject myself; hence why I want him to warm up a lil bit. I draw everything up, give him the overview again and lo & behold, he rocks it out! Didn't even flinch. What a rockstar!

With 5 days of injections under my belt, I'm feeling pretty good. I only have 2 bruises, which I think might be because they were higher on my belly than the other injection sites. I haven't gotten too cranky or overly emotional yet, and besides feeling a little more bloated than usual, I feel mostly normal.

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