03 August, 2013

14 week Bumpdate!

Bumpdate: 14 Weeks

How Far Along: 14+2

Size of baby:  a peach! Whaaat!

Weight change: since transfer,14lbs. For heaven's sakes.  Unfortunately way worse from pre-ivf weight.  :/

Maternity Clothes:   oh yeah, so much mote comfy

Gender: ooooh funding out soon!  I keep having dreams it's a girl..... hmmmm.

Movement:  not yet but i examine every little blip.

Sleep: crappy!  It takes me forEVER to get comfy and fall asleep.  Ive taken over the bed with all my pillows to no avail.  Hopefully this will come back soon because i am cranky & tired!

Symptoms: not much anymore, woot!  I still get a little nauseous once in awhile.  Reflux/heart burn has caught up to me.  Even water does it.  Tums are my new bff!  My ankles are a tiny swelled and my feet are HUGE! I just upgraded my size 6 tennies to a 7 1/2. 

What I miss: wineeeeee

Cravings: depends on the day.  For a few weeks it was sandwiches & Subway.   Peaches, burgers, and anything with balsamic vinegar are high on the list now.

Aversions: chicken.  It is hard to stomach!

Innie or outie: innie. If mine turns to an outie, yikes! 

Favorite Moment This Week: making bambino Facebook official.  So fun! I feel so loved!

Worst Moment This Week: realizing I can't fit into regular pants at All!

Looking Forward To: seeing the bump pop this week! Yay!

Daddy update: getting serious ;) Daddy splurged on a new vehicle for me.  The Jeep wasn't gonna look cool with cheerios all over. Hehe.  Poor guy looked like a deer in headlights while car seat shopping!  He's very excited.  I think he wants to pick out a name, like, today!

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